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Author Topic: Preliminary Headphone Measurements - WIP, Your Thoughts?  (Read 866 times)

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Updates and HE-500
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2014, 12:28:57 PM »

First, some updates. I'm still tweaking my compensation curve, but I think I'm getting close to narrowing it down to where I want it. Some of my changes are a step back, some a step forward. In particular, I lowered the bass compensation a touch, as I felt my measurements were overstating bass quantities. I did the same for the area around 2-5KHz, which is now actually closer to an earlier compensation curve. The area around 10KHz should have less attenuation than before, but there is a noticeably greater attenuation after that point (really ramps up beyond 12-13KHz).

I adjusted the size of the CSD picture and now have it set to a window of 5ms instead of 4ms. But I made some other changes to them that make them look a bit worse in other ways, IMO, so I'm still working on that.

I also took some quick, rough measurements of my HE-500 with jerg-ish pads, but only on the left channel. You'll notice some clear similarities and clear differences compared to other HE-500 measurements floating around in the tubes. Yes, the area from 2.5-5KHz does have a subjective hump on my pair and drops off in the bass around 40Hz in a sine sweeper. While this does match what I hear closely, keep in mind differences compared to other measurements could be due to the fact that my pads didn't entirely adhere to what jerg suggested and were made sloppily (though, I did use double sided tape for the extension mod). Could also be product variation or just how my head and ears affect the sound. Not sure what the bass distortion blip is, but I'd ignore those. Like I said, these were quick measurements.

Next are some measurements of my torn up/modded alpha pads on the HE-500, still only on the left channel. These have a subjectively lighter but more even response than with my jerg-ish pads. They exhibit slightly better bass extension, but the other pads are noticeably fuller and more impactful sounding. Treble is subjectively smoother and has better details with the alpha pads, and there is noticeably more air and a larger soundstage. Much more speaker-like. It kind of reminds me of my HD598, but noticeably better. Personally, I think you can make the HE-500 sound awesome with these pads. Overall, larger, airier sound (not as powerful, though), bumped up mids and slightly attenuated treble peak, smoother overall, much more comfortable...I like it.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2014, 12:42:32 PM by hans030390 »
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Quick Alpha Dog Measurements
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2014, 06:07:31 PM »

I snagged an Alpha Dog that was not quite the correct colour for a discount (darker and a touch more purple/burgundy). I took some really quick measurements of the left channel and will take some better ones in the next day or two. I haven't made any other adjustments to the compensation curve.

I'm not sure if Dan has made further tweaks to the Alpha Dog that he hasn't mentioned, but the revision number listed on the top of the comfort band is higher than the model I had previously tested. This has two of the "dots" applied to the front of the driver on each channel, almost covering the entire middle third of the driver. Could just be that.

This measurement is also using one of the felt damping discs in front of the driver. I will later take measurements of the 3 possible configurations (0-2 discs).

My Mad Dog in its current state has more of a U-shaped sound signature than the Alpha Dog and most obviously has thicker mid-bass presence. The MD has more of a rough, thin, sizzling quality to the top end than the AD. The AD has more low-bass slam and impact, though I'm wondering how much that has to do with the AD's slightly higher distortion down low. Overall distortion seems a bit better and smoother on the AD. It's hard to say, but with 1 felt disc, the AD might be more laid back than my MD (would probably be a different story if the front damping config was the same on the MD). Overall I find the AD smoother and more neutral to listen to than the MD. The MD is a pretty good all-rounder, but the AD does fewer things wrong still, subjectively.

Unless anyone strongly objects based on the results they've seen thus far, I feel I am close to getting my measurement setup and compensation where I want it, wrapping this thread up, and will probably post results in the public section after that point.
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Re: Preliminary Headphone Measurements - WIP, Your Thoughts?
« Reply #22 on: May 22, 2014, 06:54:25 PM »

Love this stuff, Hans, keep up the good work.

It's exactly this kind of adept enthusiast market that will keep manufacturers on their toes.

Tyll (like on the floor only spelled different)


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Re: Preliminary Headphone Measurements - WIP, Your Thoughts?
« Reply #23 on: May 22, 2014, 07:28:41 PM »

Awesome Hans! Looking forward for your results.

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Re: Preliminary Headphone Measurements - WIP, Your Thoughts?
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2014, 08:21:54 AM »

Thanks, guys! I need to invest in a better SPL meter for calibration purposes. The one I got only worked for a few days (questionable quality, in the end), so while my results aren't too far off what I'd expect, that's something I'll want to double check. This doesn't change the frequency response so much, but for adjusting the level of the mic-in, it strongly affects distortion results. So, really, it's mostly down to better calibrating everything at this point.

I'm thinking about incorporating a few more tweaks and a couple other common tests with my measurements. I know HeadRoom provides harmonic distortion measurements showing the full spectrum given a single sine wave (500Hz). Those are really quick and easy to grab with ARTA, so why not throw that in with what I do? I use that for calibration purposes before I grab the swept sine FR/CSD anyway, so it wouldn't make sense to not grab it then! Some other type of measurements I'll have to figure out how to do properly, if I want to include them. I'm open to and considering anything that might provide more information about what we're hearing subjectively!

Really, though, it all came down to Keith/BMF over at Head-Fi offering a chance to test out a measurement kit (which I have since purchased at an extremely reasonable price). I was initially afraid his particular kit wouldn't offer accurate results, but I have to say I have been pleasantly surprised by how decently the results actually match what I hear with just a bit of tweaking. I was even more surprised by the relatively consistency the measurements offer, but perhaps this is because I get tactile feedback when placing the headphone on my head. That more likely ensures a good fit/seal and fairly consistent placement. All in all, where as I thought this sort of measurement setup might not be good enough compared to a "dedicated" measurement rig (i.e. for worthwhile public results), I believe it may actually have some inherent benefits/strengths and act more as a good complement to the many dedicated rigs...just as the different dedicated rigs also complement each other with their variances.

Though, I'd also like to rule out product variance and measure one or two of the exact same headphones Marv and UB have also measured, just to see how close my measurements are. Not that they have to match exactly by any means, but as a reference. Then again, some HPs I've measured show a good number of similarities on par, IMO, with variance across other measurement rigs.
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Re: Preliminary Headphone Measurements - WIP, Your Thoughts?
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2014, 02:10:01 PM »

Very nice, I wish I could double up on my efforts too on the acoustics front. Really looking forward to the reviews!
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Detailed Alpha Dog Measurements
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2014, 04:03:45 PM »

OK, took the time to get some better measurements of the Alpha Dog. These do indeed seem to have a bit of a channel imbalance. It seems to primarily affect the position of male vocals.

Compare to what ultrabike posted, though I'm not sure which revision he measured:,1208.msg32468.html#msg32468

1. Alpha Dog, left channel, no felt discs
2. R, no felt discs
3. L, 1 felt disc
4. R, 1 felt disc
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More Alpha Dog Measurements
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2014, 04:05:15 PM »

1. L, 1 felt disc, 2nd take (consistency/repeatability check...headphones were fully removed, mic re-adjusted, before this)
2. R, 1 felt disc, 2nd take
3. L, 2 felt discs
4. R, 2 felt discs
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Moar Updates, Modded MDR-1R Measurements
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2014, 11:26:31 AM »

I have a new SPL meter on hand, and it doesn't seem to be quite as, well, broken as the other one. I'm hoping to really narrow down on my calibration settings with this. I haven't had a good opportunity to use it yet, though.

Haven't touched my compensation curve recently. I'm feeling pretty good about it for now.

One major revision is a change in the software I use to represent the FR/HD graphs. I am still measuring with ARTA, but I use Excel to generate graphs from the exported CSV data. This gives me a lot more flexibility, though getting the graph template the way I wanted took some time. As I said, overall system calibration isn't spot on yet, but my attached example demonstrates what I'm pushing for in the end (i.e. demonstrates 1KHz at 90dB, but I may include or switch to white noise if this SPL meter isn't a POS like the other and can read it properly). The graph is also larger and cleaner overall, so it should be easier to read. I'll eventually provide a graph that shows only the left and right channels as well.

But, perhaps the largest change is that I am now presenting my measurements as an average from several takes. This graphs is from 3 averaged measurements, though I hope to do 5 for each channel in the future. Each time, I remove the headphone, check the mic to make sure it is seated properly, and put the headphone back on before measuring again. I do try and let the headphones and pads warm up on my head for a few minutes first, but this particular graph was not done as such (fairly quick measurement). In the future, I'll try to include the raw measurements as well.

In general, I'll post more details about my methods once I have things more finalized.

For now, I've attached an example of the left channel on my now-modded MDR-1R. First, I wanted to note that in order for the minor gridlines to show where I wanted, I had to set the minimum on the X-axis to 10Hz instead of 20Hz. I wouldn't worry too much about measurements below 20Hz on my setup.

Though the compensation curves I used for this and my stock MDR-1R measurements aren't exactly the same, they are (quite) close enough that you can see this modded pair is improved in many ways. Some areas may not be as good as a tradeoff/for the greater good. My stock pair sounded pretty darn bad. These are actually fairly decent, though still only at low/medium volumes. (Internal damping mods, HM5 pads modded to mount with original pad ring and also taped to baffle, open tuning hole on top of cups closed by about 2/3. Yes, these did lose some sub-bass and even gained some lower distortion, but they sound much cleaner, less bloated, and less mid-bass heavy overall than they did stock from a subjective standpoint.)

Still using ARTA to generate CSDs. It does what I need with ease.

Let me know if you see anything you like, anything you think could be improved, or just have any thoughts in general!
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Re: Preliminary Headphone Measurements - WIP, Your Thoughts?
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2014, 11:51:19 AM »

Hans can you take a (close-up) picture of how the mic is seated in your ear ?

I did tests a while ago (for Keith) with mic capsules pushed inside my ear canal and mics mounted on triflanges and compared them to my rig.
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