Alex sent me his modified Oppo PM-1 cans. Thanks mang
I do not have the stock PM-1s with me anymore, but at the meet I thought the modded PM-1s had a little more bass than what I'm hearing right now. Who knows, maybe I'm a bass head or something. Anyway, to me the impact is perhaps lessened (even from the stock if my memory serves me), but it's not gone. If anything, these are a little more laid back in the bass region. The treble is pretty good. I think the treble on this is an improvement over the stock. More airy. It is a bit brighter though.
I dig these. They sound perhaps a little less low-fi to me. Note I did not dislike the PM-1s in their stock form, but didn't go crazy about them either.
These seem also a little heavier than the previous ones I heard (perhaps due to the mods). Still, pretty comfy though, and not as heavy as some other orthos.
Here are some measurements...
Frequency Response
Distortion Right
Distortion Left
CSD Right
CSD Left