First, thanks to Gelocks for providing these and the 840s and 880s!
SoundThese might be a step up from the 880s and 840s in many ways. They are smoother IMO. These are still bassy and the bass there is not very well defined. Great impact from these. In many ways these are fun cans.
The treble is sparkling and somewhat artificial depending on the song. Mids are good and well defined IMO. Perhaps less recessed than with the 880s and 840s. I detected some sibilance and grain with these.
For a closed can these sounded pretty open.
ComfortThese are tight, and the headband might benefit from more cushion. Not bad for what they are.
PresentationThese have the classic studio/club looks along with the features. Remind me a lot of the M50s. But they are not black
. They are plastiky, but the plastic feels old-Fisher-Price-toy strong.
Price$1000 so horrible. Probably among the priciest studio type headphones I've seen...
could be worse thoughOveralNot bad, but consider an ATH-M50 for a good bassy signature w less trebleness and hell of a lot less dead presidents.
NotesThe impedance measurements seem to indicate that the driver for these and the 880s and 840s are similar or the same, except for some possible random coating here or there. But who knows, maybe they are not the same.
MeasurementsFrequency Response
Distortion Right
Distortion Left
CSD Left
CSD Right