CHANGSTAR: Audiophile Headphone Reviews and Early 90s Style BBS

Lobby => Headphone, IEM, and Other Audio Related Discussion => Topic started by: purplegoat on November 06, 2014, 02:25:54 AM

Title: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: purplegoat on November 06, 2014, 02:25:54 AM
dave: theres been a lot of speculation in the media & reports of you playing out unreleased stuff from the album live. so have u been testing this stuff & future releases out during your live gigs to see peoples reactions?

rich: yeah i spose.. but firstly its always lush 2 ear what your tunes sound like on a massive p.a
Also was fully aware that usually with my releases, they are quite impenetrable for a lot of folk for a while until they work out whats going on, so having some people partly familiar with some of the tracks b4 release makes a nice way in for dem.
Im addicted [a bit too much] to listenin to my tracks on as many different kinds of speakers and headphones when making them, its like listening with a slightly different personality/set of ears, you hear different things and learn how it translates.
I gotta stop doing it so much actually as it kind of doesn't matter, ur better off just makin sumink else but these things happen4 a reason u have to go with them sometimes.
With Syro, some of it sounds best on cans as i made most of it with phonz which I love doing [sony 7510's, tracks 6,7,8,9,11 to be precise], to be properly inside the music but is kinda shit/disjointed sounding then for listening on speakers/monitors coz ur not feeling it in your body when your making it, its just resonating ur ed
With the phoney7510's, they do translate extremely well, they're not the best pair of headphones for listening to music but to write/mix on,  ive never heard anything as good as those yet, and I've heard a lot of em, not all but a lot, most, so mabe better ones out there.
also ive recorded breaks and certain sounds ive made over the pa in sound checks and used that in tracks or then played it out over the pa again at the gig alvin lucier style but more epic scale.
eres a quik exmple of a break i made on the <hat> computer controlled robot system built for me by logos foundation

source: (

What do you guys think? What are Chang's favorite headphone to produce with and have you tried the 7510?

I haven't tried them out. HD800 is the best I've tried.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: Deep Funk on November 06, 2014, 01:28:43 PM
First, does this blogger like phonetic texting/chat language? If so, is this a joke?

If this is not a joke, we all have a different set of ears thus a different set of preferences. Sony monitor headphones are known for being good in the mixing and writing process. Something with peaks in certain regions of the frequency range.

Despite Sony's reputation, I would go for the German brands. I like the AKG sound and Sennheiser/Beyerdynamic are a close second.

If Pioneer would make a light and durable Pioneer Monitor 10 with again an awesome driver, Pioneer no doubt.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: uncola on November 06, 2014, 02:57:20 PM
I hope Aphex Twin doesn't really type like that, it would hamper my enjoyment of his music.  Those sony 7501 and mdr uh.. that other one do seem popular for mixing
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: purplegoat on November 06, 2014, 04:05:29 PM
I've met him he's very soft and well spoken. However, if that would hamper your enjoyment of his music you're probably missing the point!

Deep Funk, have you tried the 7510? I've also found the AKG x7xx series (K712 in this case specifically) to be good for production but I think are deceptively thin, fast, and bright. I'd put them more as a mixing headphone personally.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: Deep Funk on November 06, 2014, 08:57:16 PM
I did not try the Sony. If he likes the Sony, good for him.

I would go with an open headphone, speakers and a budget set-up to test how the mix sounds on "cheap" gear (used market advantage!). Add a closed headphone for good bass if that is a priority. AKG would be my brand for an open headphone. If you like a warmer sound go HD600 or HD650 depending on your preferences. An amplifier is a serious requirement with certain headphones.

Of course a modified T50RP is the killer deal here. I should try that again as the stock headphone was so crap it was forgettable.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: Anaxilus on November 06, 2014, 09:48:22 PM
You guys are listening to this guy for advice?

Sounds like another Dale Thorn or Ken Rockwell with similar eccentric headphone tastes and opinions.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: Deep Funk on November 06, 2014, 10:07:26 PM
Hell no, people who swear by Sony better have the CD900ST, CD1700, CD3000 or R10 and give me a chance to audition it/them.

The company that made the eventually atrocious MDR-V6 has to wow me.

Edit: seriously, Sony has to fucking outdo itself to get my money.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: purplegoat on November 07, 2014, 01:09:20 AM
Anax the man is true genius and virtuoso. Also a fat troll, although I'm not sure if those statements are made in jest.

Don't really care though. Easily the best producer of all time IMO.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: Claritas on November 07, 2014, 01:20:28 AM
Hell no, people who swear by Sony better have the CD900ST, CD1700, CD3000 or R10 and give me a chance to audition it/them.

You don't want to hear CD900ST: bright, practically on ear, mythical only because of its relative scarcity outside Japan.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: Deep Funk on November 07, 2014, 05:11:17 PM
You don't want to hear CD900ST: bright, practically on ear, mythical only because of its relative scarcity outside Japan.

Actually I once had a CD900ST and liked it. Keep the volume low and it sounds very nice for a bright headphone. I later traded it for a DT480 but I ended up with AKGs.

For the money though a KSC75 is better value and better in sound.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: RexAeterna on November 09, 2014, 11:17:00 AM
Hell no, people who swear by Sony better have the CD900ST, CD1700, CD3000 or R10 and give me a chance to audition it/them.

The company that made the eventually atrocious MDR-V6 has to wow me.

Edit: seriously, Sony has to fucking outdo itself to get my money.

Hey, don't forget the SA5000.... that's one sony headphone I really,  really liked.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: Anaxilus on November 09, 2014, 05:52:27 PM
Hey, don't forget the SA5000.... that's one sony headphone I really,  really liked.

I still have mine too and like it for certain applications.  It's going to get mixed reactions for sure depending on the user.  You used yours on vintage receivers if I recall.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: RexAeterna on November 10, 2014, 05:12:04 AM
I still have mine too and like it for certain applications.  It's going to get mixed reactions for sure depending on the user.  You used yours on vintage receivers if I recall.

Yup. Mostly from speaker outputs since I never experienced too bad of noise issues with some amps. The yamaha R9 with the -20db muting switch was one I really liked cause the muting switch mafe the background dead quiet.  The yamaha m45 powet amp was good choice too cause the left and right input volume knobs made it dead quiet using sensitive headphones. Headphone jack wise I liked the sansui 5000x, kenwood c2 preamp and Harman kardon hk725 pre. Sounded best off the hk770 power amp but noise level was too high for my avg low listening levels with them so I mostly used the m45 lot with them due to ability of tuning down the noise level with the input knobs.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: MuppetFace on November 12, 2014, 02:25:51 PM
The truther comments are reclusive English geek babble. In his own words, he believes any conspiracy theory he comes across because it makes life more interesting. This is a guy who has also said on various occasions that he: drives a tank, lives in a bank vault, has a dead brother with the same name. He's always talked shit, trolled, and just been a general oddball. Maybe he's truly nuts? Who knows.

I'm still quite interested in what Richard D. James has to say about audio equipment though, as he's one of the most important figures in electronic music and a tech wiz when it comes to studio assembly, having built many different studios to create his own music. He's something of a synth connoisseur and an incredible producer too.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: donunus on June 11, 2015, 05:53:42 AM
I am getting 7510s so I'll chime in with my thoughts whenever I get them.
Title: Re: Aphex States 7510 is Best Production Headphone
Post by: donunus on August 20, 2015, 11:52:59 AM
These are not bad, not bad at all. Forward robust mids with decent bass. Slightly lacking air and detail in the highs but I will take this over the m50 anyday. It sounds more balanced out of the ipad vs the schiit vali though. It actually works really well for me for straight ipad use.