Non-Audio Stuff > Food and Drink

Korean Soft Tofu stew

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This version actually has marinated beef in it. Finally got it right.

It's not right till I see some Barley tea.

I believe barley tea only goes with the North Korean beef tongue soup. (water + 2 slices of cow tonque + 5 noodles)

Lots of red pepper flake though. Joel would be proud.

They don't have soup in North Korea.  Water is too expensive.

We'll be there soon in California. Long live Comrade Jerry Moonbeam "I'm gonna tax the fuck out of you but not fix state expenditures because I'm beholden to public employees unions and I want to feed, house and educate illegals" Brown. Had to cut back on presents this year because of CA Amazon tax.

And while I'm on my rant. Why don't we just ban (as in banish to Yukon) losers / wierdos / freaks who carry briefcases to high school rather than assault weapons. As if banning assault weapons would actually prevent future occurrences of Columbine, Cho Seung-Hui, Adam Lanza, James Holmes, etc. Future losers will just use battle rifles or handguns. Stupid ass politicians. Feel like I'm living on Mars. Not the USA (or the "west") which I remember when I was a kid. Americans have just become a bunch of fucking pussies who want to avoid a core essence of the human condition: struggle, pain, death, suffering, or simply "shit happens"

I propose a high-tech solution much like the keyless entry system on my car:

* key all guns to owners (via a remote fob or handprint). Guns won't work if not in the hands of registered owners.
* required training / testing / psych evals. on tiers. people can own a bazooka, but they will need to do a lot of work to demonstrate they know how to use it. Tier one would be the standard rifle, tier two would be the revolver, tier three semi-automatic, etc.This way everyone is happy. It would actually prevent a future Adam Lanza situation. And gun companies can make even more money selling new biometric keyed guns or conversion kits. Sick and tired of politicians putting together convoluted laws which don't work, but instead demonstrate / pander to masses that they actually "care."

Just a little bit less busy now (but still busy) so time to reflect on the results of the recent state elections. I'm surprised people are not enraged to the point where they want to bring pitchforks and torches to Sacramento. Seems most Californians are content to bend over and let government fuck them in the ass. Soon California will consist of rich people (who can easily afford taxation) and their serfs (state government employees). The California dream (when Raygun was a DEMOCRATIC governer) is over.

I wouldn't be surprised if CA schools have banned / discouraged reading of Animal Farm, Brave New World, or 1984.

Just replace Big Brother with Jerry Brown, Inner Party with California Democrats, and Outer Party with State Employees' Unions. BTW CA Republican = Democrat in the midwest.


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