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Turntable (x3) and Phono-Pre Comparison (x7 + x2 variants)

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--- Quote from: Anaxilus on August 24, 2015, 05:54:43 AM ---How did Adam's Technics compare with the one at the Brooks meet? That one was OJ's with the same cart and sounded better than the Yggy. The 440 on my garbage Dual is even more resolving. Makes me wonder about his setup among other things...

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Hard to say since I don't have any Led Zeppelin records in the house. I only started to like them later because only stoners in high school listened to Zeppelin. Brooks meet had different variables like different amp, recordings, and carts.

--- Quote from: Anaxilus on August 24, 2015, 05:54:43 AM ---You guys didn't roll any carts using the same table?

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No. Would have taken too long to setup - it's not plug and play - and I lack precision VTF gauges which are needed for the JMW arm, and other stuff like azimuth is a pain with that arm. No idea what idea VTF would be with the AT440 or if it would even be a good match for the JMW arm. I don't know about the condition of the AT440.


--- Quote from: shaizada on August 24, 2015, 06:00:10 AM ---I tweaked both of them to have a more accurate tracking weight.

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Was alignment verified at all? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to have two different 1200's sound different. Those things have been beat up over the years by god knows what.

We used the Talking Heads vinyl at the Brooks meet. Led Zeppelin was at your house awhile back.

For the gauge Marv, just buy the Shure tracking force gauge...no need for ANYTHING else really.

For Azimuth, a quick, dirty and actually very good way is this:

1) Make sure the turntable is perfectly level.
2) After aligning the cartridge and making sure the VTA is good,
3) Get a standard CD (not CD-R's but real silver discs) and place on the turntable platter with the label surface down.
4) Lower the needle onto the CD and take a look at the reflection.  You want the cantilever and it's reflection to make a straight line.  If there is any discrepancy, it will be really easy to tell from the reflection if the cartridge azimuth is too much one way or the other.


Gooey warmth and lushness from 1200? WTF? That's literally the opposite of what mine sounds like. I more expected you to call it too lean, especially with AT440.


--- Quote from: Anaxilus on August 24, 2015, 06:07:25 AM ---Was alignment verified at all? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised to have two different 1200's sound different. Those things have been beat up over the years by god knows what.

We used the Talking Heads vinyl at the Brooks meet. Led Zeppelin was at your house awhile back.

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Excellent question...I did NOT get a chance to verify the alignment on EITHER tables.  Doc needed to head out for his baseball game, so we just didn't get the time to do a full quality check like I always do for turntables.  Though I've become very efficient at setting up turntables, it takes some time and is a labor of love.  All the details really matter to make the table sing to its best abilities.


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