Non-Audio Stuff > Clash of Clans

3 Stars with Skyline


My latest. 

Folks, this is how NOT to design your base.  The CC is too easy to lure, and the big bombs MUST be paired up.  The first two were easy to trigger, and I have no clue where the second two bombs were located.  Wherever they were, my hogs pathed right around them.


I really messed up with my barb king.  I expected him to go in and take on the enemy archer queen, but that wiz tower went down and he wandered on me.  I should have been more patient and made sure my funnel was solid before dropping him. 

Gohowiwi for three stars.  I didn't funnel properly and my king went for a walk, but I was able to pull it out. 

A lavaloon, for something a little different.

This goes down to the last millisecond.  Literally.  I had know idea whether it was 1 star or three until I saw the victory screen.


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