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Learning C#, Tips?

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--- Quote from: Deep Funk on June 24, 2015, 05:23:45 PM ---Do you have tips regarding the most important skills I need to acquire? I know flexibility regarding work methods is necessary.
--- End quote ---

The best developers I know were never afraid to have to learn new stuff for work. Skills in most mainstream programming areas are pretty easy to acquire, so don't wait until you finish that book on X subject before you decide to take a plunge.

Also, read the best practices for the languages you pick, and, if available, make use of static code analysis, formatting and linting tools (flake8 for python, clang+clang-format for C/C++ and Objective-C, JSHint for JavaScript, etc), they are time savers.

Read on testing and try to write unit tests from the beginning so you form a habit.

Be passionate about your journey, even if the work gets to be dull, strive to do better, you can always be a better programmer.

Good luck.

Deep Funk:
Thanks, I will take note of your tips.


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