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Changes to Changstar and my status as the "Messiah", Captain, or whatever

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In two weeks, I will no longer be commenting on the sound of amplifiers. I will be entering the audio industry and working for a manufacturer of amplifiers. (More information later.) I have had enough of large corporations, the politics, the skullfucking, the pettyness, the manuevering of officers to justify their departments and jobs.
It's going to be scary. I'll be cutting back on eating out and probably feeding my kids ramen noodles for a while. But I am extremely extremely happy. Having worked as an officer of a small company before, I know exactly what to expect. There will be a lot of headaches and long hours, but at least I won't be shoveling someone else's shit. Maybe I will blog a series of articles on how not to be a douchebag manager, or the ridiculousness of large corporations.
As for headphones, I will continue to measure them; but probably not comment on their sound unless it's in a positive light. I can see that in short order, I will completely cease to measure or comment on headphones, at least publicly. I will reveal my measurement rig and talk about techniques. It is my wish that many of you will continue on in my absence.
I'll continue talk about DACs though, although it's very likely I will not talk about stuff I don't like. You probably won't hear me say anything is craptastic anymore. I actually mapped out all the DACs I have heard in sort of a two dimensional graph a la Gartner. I will post this within four weeks.
On HF, I won't talk about anything anymore. I know you HF moderators are reading this. I will contact you in two weeks when my MOT status officially begins.
P.S. Please remind me if I forget about my own rules. When something sounds craptastic, I have a hard time not to scream. Old habits are hard to break.
Also, someone or a group of people need to take over as Captain of this site. We'll need to talk about this. I still want to control ownership of the domain name so no one person will hijack and use it for commercial purposes. But then again, I may change my mind. HF needs some competition. Maybe we should implement a governing board.
Lots of concerns... but things work themselves out. They always do. Change is the only constant in life.

You lost your hearing, didn't you?

Congrats.  :)p1

Will follow those new adventures  popcorn

Congrats on the (positive) change!  Happiness in your job is certainly more important than money (says the teacher).

Will miss your brutally honest opinions, though I suppose silence often speaks louder than words.

So ... The king is dead, long live the king ? But seriously, godspeed Marv.


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