Lobby > The Meeting Place

Attention Denver Pirates!

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I'm looking for any fellow pirates in the Denver area that...

a) Own a 9018 DAC.
b) Would be interested in bringing said DAC to a 'mini-meet'.

I've been assisting a friend of mine who's been working on a high end 9018 DAC for awhile now, and has sent me a unit for measuring, evaluation and review. For this first round of testing, we want to limit the comparisons to 9018 DAC's. I've been comparing it to my 'Uber' 9018 DAC (NTD1 IV, Reflektor-D's, Amanero with Acko reclock/clock board, etc.), but we'd really like to compare it with other medium to high end 9018 commercial DAC's.

If you have such a DAC and are game for meeting up for a day on an upcoming weekend, we'll get together and compare DAC's. I'll bring along My Soren R-2R and dual mono 4495 DAC for listening.

Anyway, let me know if there's any interest.

I don't have a 9018 DAC (might still have the HA-2 beta on hand, depending on the date...), but I'm in the Springs area and am off Saturdays, if you'd be willing to have me at a mini-meet in the Denver area.

That constitutes the 'Denver Area' to me :-) You absolutely are welcome!

Cool! My work schedule as of now, and likely for the next couple months at least, leaves me free Thurs-Sat. Just keep me posted if you're having a mini-meet, and I can bring up what few pieces of equipment I have if you want.

Anybody else? I know we have at least a few pirates in our area.


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